Foreign Policy Research Institute A Nation Must Think Before it Acts War, Law, and the United Nations

War, Law, and the United Nations

Coate, Roger. United States Policy and the Future of the United Nations. (New York: Twentieth Century Fund Press, 1994).

Damrosch, Lori Fisler, ed. Enforcing Restraint: Collective Intervention in Internal Conflicts. (New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1993).

Dinstein, Yoram. War, Aggression and Self-Defence, 2nd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994).

Gerson, Allan. The Kirkpatrick Mission: Diplomacy Without Apology: America at the United Nations, 1981-1985. (New York: Free Press, 1991).

Higgins, Rosalyn. Problems and Process: International law and How We Use It. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994).

Howard, Michael et al., ed. The Laws of War: Constraints on Warfare in the Western World. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1994).

Righter, Rosemary. Utopia Lost. (New York: Twentieth Century Fund Press, 1995).

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