Foreign Policy Research Institute A Nation Must Think Before it Acts FPRI’s Dov Zakheim Participates in Debate on Whether or not a Containment Strategy is Enough for ISIS

FPRI’s Dov Zakheim Participates in Debate on Whether or not a Containment Strategy is Enough for ISIS

FPRI’s Dov Zakheim Participates in Debate on Whether or not a Containment Strategy is Enough for ISIS

The motion put forth for the debate was: “Containment is not enough. ISIS must be defeated.” Dov Zakheim argued persuasively against the motion. Audience support shifted from 52% in favor of the motion, 27% opposed, and 21% undecided beforethe debate to 32% in favor, 59% opposed, and 9% undecided after the debate. 

Listen to the full debate here.