Foreign Policy Research Institute A Nation Must Think Before it Acts The Gulf States and the Contest for the Middle East

VENUE:Reserve Officers Association

The Gulf States and the Contest for the Middle East

| Middle East ProgramNational Security Program

About the Event

Sponsored by the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s Program on National Security and Program on the Middle East, and the Reserve Officers Association

1:45 p.m. Registration and Refreshments;
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Program

The proxy war in Syria between Iran and the Gulf States (and others) is but the latest chapter in a festering geopolitical competition over dominance of the Persian/Arabian Gulf and beyond. Increased armed sales, the specter of nuclear acquisitions by various actors, and the support and funding (either through state or sub-state means) of armed actors ranging from al-Qaeda to Houthi separatists illustrate how the regional balance of power remains contested and dangerous. And for all of the talk of a pivot to Asia, the United States will need to be engaged in the Middle East. FPRI will tackle these issues in a panel discussion that will comprise both regional experts and international relations scholars to understand these complex dynamics and examine courses of action that the United States might take in order to best navigate myriad interests and achieve its own.


Reserve Officers Association

One Constitution Avenue, NE
Washington. DC. US. 20002


Reservations are required. RSVP:

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Michael P. Noonan

Michael P. Noonan - Dr. Michael P. Noonan is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. He is a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. ; Moderator

Brandon Friedman

Brandon Friedman - Brandon Friedman is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow in the Foreign Policy Research Institute's National Security Program and Director of Research at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle East and African Studies at Tel Aviv University.

Jakub Grygiel

Jakub Grygiel - Jakub Grygiel is Book Review Editor of Orbis, FPRI’s journal of world affairs.  He is an Associate Professor at the Catholic University of America. 

Amin Tarzi

Amin Tarzi - Amin Tarzi is the Director of Middle East Studies at the Marine Corps University (MCU) in Quantico, Virginia.