A nation must think before it acts.
VENUE:Merion Cricket Club
Japan remains the world’s third-largest economy, but its political clout has not matched its economic status. At the same time, China’s rapid militarization and growing political aspirations, North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, and heightening economic rivalries and growing nationalism in East Asia are reshaping the landscape of the Asia-Pacific. Japan’s security and economic policy choices will play a key role in shaping the future of the world’s most populous region. What is Japan’s likely trajectory? How will it impact the region? And what are the implications for the United States? To address these questions, we feature Shihoko Goto, a fellow of the Mansfield Foundation/Japan Foundation U.S.-Japan Network for the Future. Prior to joining the Wilson Center, she spent over ten years as a journalist writing about the international political economy with an emphasis on Asian markets. She is a former correspondent for Dow Jones News Service and United Press International based in Tokyo and Washington.
325 Montgomery Avenue
Haverford. PA. US. 19041
Reservations are required.
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This entire series (8 programs annually) is free for FPRI Members (and spouses) at the $500 level
Or $50 per session per person
SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER! If you’ve never been to an FPRI event, you may attend one breakfast briefing as our guest. To do so, call Eli Gilman at 215 732 3774, ext. 103.