A nation must think before it acts.
VENUE:Merion Cricket Club
Jeremy Black, one of the world’s most prolific historians, is back to assess the current turmoil in Europe. In this talk, he will explore the many issues that continue to loom over the continent, including the rise of nationalism and the return of authoritarianism, the debate over immigration and borders, the controversy over Brexit, the threat posed by Russia, and President Trump’s challenges to traditional institutions such as the EU and NATO. The author of over 100 books on military and diplomatic history, Black’s most recent books include English Nationalism, A Brief History of Italy, and A History of Britain: From 1945 to Brexit.
325 Montgomery Avenue
Haverford. PA. US. 19041
Entire series is free for FPRI Members at the $500 level and above, or $50 per person, per session.
*All FPRI events are free to students with valid student ID. To receive this offer, students must RSVP to events@fpri.org, not by clicking the registration link. This offer excludes the Annual Dinner and Spring Brunch.
Click here to register for this event.
For more information, contact Rachel Hemler at rhemler@fpri.org or at 215-732-3774 ext. 112.