A nation must think before it acts.
E-Notes are policy-oriented articles covering current developments around the globe that impinge upon American foreign policy and national security priorities.
Geopolitics has been one of the great strengths of the Foreign Policy Research Institute from the outset, and this strength has been strongly developed by Alan Luxenberg. As such, FPRI is a key organization that not only teaches America...
Read more »For the majority of young Americans under the age of 30, the impeachment and trial of Bill Clinton, which took place 21 years ago, is nothing more than history. The near impeachment of Richard Nixon is ancient history. And...
Read more »Alan Lux is a man about town Not in a tux mind you, but with shirt out and head down Lux is a thinker, actually an elegant one, Offering insights when others have none Lux rose to prominence not...
Read more »Alan Luxenberg and I first worked together at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in the summer of 1976. He and I were of the same age and both recent college graduates. After graduation, Alan had taken up a full-time...
Read more »The formidable Harvey Sicherman, who served as chief of the Foreign Policy Research Institute longer even than its storied founder Robert Strausz-Hupé, liked to tell the story of how he recruited Walter McDougall to affiliate with the Institute three...
Read more »I first met Alan Luxenberg in June 1991 at a restaurant on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania. It was for lunch, and he was in the company of Adam Garfinkle. I will never forget that moment because...
Read more »The world has turned over many times since Alan Luxenberg first entered the Foreign Policy Research Institute and began his exemplary service and innovative leadership there. The year was 1976, and during the 1970s, the United States was experiencing...
Read more »An often-used—really overused—cliché in books, movies, and TV shows is a plot that asks the question, “What do you get the person who has everything?” This question causes immense stress for the gift-giver. And it has the potential to...
Read more »Many aspects of Israel’s national security situation today, which is almost the best it has ever been, began taking shape at the time of Menachem Begin. Menachem Begin was elected Prime Minister of Israel in 1977, one year after...
Read more »Alan Luxenberg (Lux to me) is an amazing person. It has been my pleasure to have known him over these decades. From the start of his involvement with the Foreign Policy Research Institute in 1976, Lux took on an...
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