Foreign Policy Research Institute A Nation Must Think Before it Acts FPRI’s David Satter Interviewed on VOA’s Press Conference USA About Russia Under Putin

FPRI’s David Satter Interviewed on VOA’s Press Conference USA About Russia Under Putin

FPRI’s David Satter Interviewed on VOA’s Press Conference USA About Russia Under Putin

“The handful of people who run Russia, who monopolize power, who monopolize wealth, are not really concerned about the national interest of Russia. They’re concerned about their own interests. But with manipulation and mass propoganda, they are able to organize the thinking of the population, taking advantage of…their nationalism…and they’ve created a situation in which…this manipulation…reinforces their hold on power [by taking] an aggressive stance towards the rest of the world. They need an enemy. They need, in effect, to be able to, first of all, mobilize the population against a supposed external threat, and second of all, convince the population that they are restoring the greatness of Russia.”

Listen to the full interview here.