Foreign Policy Research Institute A Nation Must Think Before it Acts Associate Fellow Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein Quoted by CNBC on North Korea

Associate Fellow Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein Quoted by CNBC on North Korea

Associate Fellow Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein Quoted by CNBC on North Korea


“Whatever we want to call it, war footing or not, a strike on North Korea has always been one of the options that various U.S. administrations have had in their toolbox,” said Benjamin Silberstein, associate scholar at the Philadelphia-based Foreign Policy Research Institute.

Possible catalysts for the limited strike against North Korea could include the regime launching another intercontinental ballistic missile test or an atmospheric hydrogen bomb test, which it threatened to do last year.

Experts say the springtime historically has been an active period of missile testing by Pyongyang, when the regime complains about massive U.S.-South Korean joint military exercises.

Read the full article here.