Foreign Policy Research Institute A Nation Must Think Before it Acts FPRI’s June Teufel Dreyer Quoted in Japan Times
FPRI’s June Teufel Dreyer Quoted in Japan Times

FPRI’s June Teufel Dreyer Quoted in Japan Times

FPRI’s June Teufel Dreyer Quoted in Japan Times

In regard to John Bolton, a former American ambassador to the U.N. and a top adviser to President-elect Donald Trump, has calling for a closer U.S. military relationship with Taiwan to “help counter a ‘belligerent’ Beijing.”

“…Dreyer said, the Taiwanese government would have to invite the United States to station troops on its soil — a decision that would tacitly affirm that the U.S. regards Taiwan as a sovereign state. What’s more, stationing military personnel on the island would hinge on Taipei agreeing to a move that Beijing would regard as provocative and whether the U.S. would guarantee to back Taiwan’s security if it accepted the troops.”

Read the full article here.