Foreign Policy Research Institute A Nation Must Think Before it Acts Global Energy Security and Energy Policy
Global Energy Security and Energy Policy

Global Energy Security and Energy Policy

Editor’s Note: This article builds on a workshop on “The Global Order after Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine,” hosted by the University of Pennsylvania’s Perry World House on April 14, 2022.


The war in Ukraine should spark a significant shift in thinking about energy transition in the developed world, with climate action now having to account for energy security. It is still unclear what energy sources could emerge as a winner, but there seems to be an opportunity hidden in the background: an opportunity for the world to create an actionable plan for sustainable development with a strong decarbonization agenda. We have a unique moment where environmental concerns about fossil fuel usage overlap with geopolitical imperatives to limit the financial resources accrued by the Russian Federation from its energy sales, which have helped to fuel its invasion of Ukraine. Indeed, as Clint Watts and John Conger discussed in the Spring 2022 issue of Orbis, the climate change and national security agendas have begun to merge and overlap.

Read the full article here.