A nation must think before it acts.
Eitvydas Bajarūnas is a Visiting Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA).
Eitvydas has held various overseas postings, including Ambassador to the UK, Russia, and Sweden, non-resident Ambassador to Portugal, Oman, and Uzbekistan, Consul General in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and Deputy Ambassador at the Mission of Lithuania to NATO in Brussels. He has served as Political Director at the MFA, Ambassador-at-Large for Hybrid Threats, and director of several units within the MFA and the MoD. Additionally, he was the Diplomatic Adviser to the President of Lithuania and a Consultant for the NATO Affairs Commission in the Seimas (Parliament) of Lithuania.
His previous activities include being a Chair of the Eastern Europe Studies Centre in Vilnius, a Member of the Editorial Board of the publication “Lithuanian Annual Strategic Review” at the Military Academy of Lithuania, and a Member of the Steering Board of the European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats in Helsinki.
Eitvydas Bajarūnas holds a Master of Arts in War Studies from King’s College London and a Diploma in Applied Mathematics from Vilnius University. He also has undertaken additional extensive education and training, including the Royal College of Defence Studies (London), the EU Senior Mission Leaders Course (Brussels), courses in International Relations at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (Stockholm), courses in International Security at the NATO (SHAPE) School (Oberammergau), and the School of International Relations at Central European University (Prague), among others.
He is the author of articles on Russia’s foreign and security policy, hybrid threats, and Baltic and Nordic security and defense. He is fluent in English and Russian, and able to communicate in French, Polish, and Swedish. He has holder of State Awards from Lithuania, Sweden, Estonia, and Portugal, as well as the Medal of the MoD of Lithuania for Merit in the Withdrawal of the Russian Army.