Liisi Veski 

Dr. Liisi Veski is a research fellow in the history of political thought at the Skytte Institute, University of Tartu. She recently earned a PhD in Central and East European Studies from the University of Glasgow. Her current project, “The school for democracy: co-operation, civil society, and intrastate federalism in Estonian intellectual history, 1900–1940”, is funded by the Estonian Research Council. Additionally, she is contributing to a multi-author intellectual biography of the former Estonian prime minister, Jüri Uluots (1890–1945). She has taught courses in the history of political thought, East and Central European history, and intellectual history of nationalism at the University of Glasgow, UCL, and University of Tartu. She also serves as an editorial coordinator of the Journal of Baltic Studies and editorial assistant of the Estonian Historical Journal (Ajalooline Ajakiri).