A nation must think before it acts.
The world will watch closely on August 9th when people in Belarus head to the polls to elect their next president. The country’s current president, Alexander Lukashenko, has been in power since 1994. Often referred to as ‘Europe’s last dictator,’ Lukashenko has met an unlikely challenger — 37 year old Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. Growing discontent over economic stagnation, mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic, and restrictions on civil liberties may cause the perfect storm for a change in power. In this event, FPRI’s Eurasia Program Director Chris Miller will speak with Katia Glod, the former Belarus representative of the European Endowment for Democracy in Minsk, about what the election results will signify for Belarus and its neighbors.
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If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Dooley at rdooley@fpri.org