A nation must think before it acts.
VENUE:Independence Seaport Museum
FPRI is celebrating the launch of Where Are the Carriers, a new book by Former Secretary of the Navy John Lehman with Steven Wills. Lehman and Wills will evaluate options for the U.S. Navy with respect to the future deployment of aircraft carriers and discuss the conclusions of their new book at an in-person reception and book talk.
For more information about Where are the Carriers and to read the book, click here.
Registration for this event is now closed. Due to COVID-19 protocols, there are a limited number of spaces. If you have any questions please contact Kayla Wendt at kwendt@fpri.org
FPRI is happy to provide this event free of charge thanks to the generous support of our members, partners, and event attendees. If you are not currently a member, the suggested donation is $25.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our events coordinator, Kayla Wendt at kwendt@fpri.org.
211 S Christopher Columbus Blvd
Philadelphia. PA. US. 19106