Foreign Policy Research Institute A Nation Must Think Before it Acts FPRI’s Clint Watts Cited by Politico on Twitter Ads

FPRI’s Clint Watts Cited by Politico on Twitter Ads

FPRI’s Clint Watts Cited by Politico on Twitter Ads


Clint Watts, a former FBI agent who closely monitors Russian manipulation of social media, said Twitter is especially vulnerable because, “The truth is they don’t know who is on their platform, or how bad people are doing bad things.”

Compounding that, Watts said, “When the Russians hit on a big story or get a big falsehood going, they collapse their accounts. They are very good at plausible deniability and covering their tracks.”

Twitter has said it is taking a broad look at Russia’s suspected use of its platform, including how many people might have been affected by disinformation, and whether there are any potential connections between Russian accounts and the Trump campaign and the many high-profile “influencers” associated with it.

But company executives have been far less forthcoming than their counterparts at Facebook in disclosing details of what they have found in internal investigations into suspected Russian activity on their platforms.

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