Foreign Policy Research Institute A Nation Must Think Before it Acts Director of Program on National Security Michael Noonan Quoted by CNBC on Trump’s Defense Policy

Director of Program on National Security Michael Noonan Quoted by CNBC on Trump’s Defense Policy

Director of Program on National Security Michael Noonan Quoted by CNBC on Trump’s Defense Policy


“A lot of these sales were negotiated before, so I think some of it is just pushing this narrative that it’s good for jobs, good for the economy — elements he’s been sort of trumpeting since January 20,” said Mike Noonan, director of the Program on National Security at Foreign Policy Research Institute, a think tank in Philadelphia.

Even so, the Trump administration is working to make it easier to sell U.S.-made military drones to allies such as India since China and Israel have profited when the U.S. turns down business. In June, the U.S. approved the sale of $2 billion worth of drones made by California-based General Atomics to India.

Read the full article here.