A nation must think before it acts.
Alan Luxenberg, President of the Foreign Policy Research Institute, announced today that he will be retiring April 30, 2020, after 44 years of service to the organization, 8 as president, and 1 as Acting President. He assumed the leadership of the organization upon the passing of the legendary Harvey Sicherman in December 2010.
Luxenberg’s tenure as President will be remembered for his tireless efforts to build the outreach and educational programs of the organization, and to promote collaboration with organizations in Philadelphia, Washington DC, and elsewhere. As President, he strengthened the organization’s financial foundation; elevated the public profile of the organization, locally, nationally, and internationally; opened the organization up to diverse points of view, underscoring its orientation as a nonpartisan institution; fostered the development of new research programs; and, ultimately, expanded its role in the public discourse on foreign policy and in the policy process. “Substantial progress has been made in reaching our objectives,” Luxenberg said, “but there still remains so much to be done, and I am confident that a successor will be chosen who will be able to bring the Institute to yet new heights.”
FPRI Chairman Robert L. Freedman said: “Alan’s commitment and dedication to FPRI over the past four decades is unmatched. In his time as President, during what is arguably the most troubled period in American foreign policy, Alan has ensured that FPRI is at the vanguard of driving meaningful nonpartisan discussion and debate, as well as educating the public, teachers, and students to ensure a brighter future for America and the world. Under his leadership, the topics and speakers for FPRI public programs have never been better, our scholars are amply matched and funded by foundations and individuals, and FPRI programs for high school history teachers are helpful in rethinking how we educate the next generation. Yet the most important accomplishment is the way Alan has done it all: he has been a friend to all whom come in contact with him.”
Luxenberg was hired by FPRI in 1976 on a temporary basis, while he was a senior at the University of Pennsylvania. He went on to hold many different positions with the organization, including Research Librarian, Circulation Manager, Assistant Editor, Assistant to the President for Development, Assistant to the Director for Operations, Associate Director, Deputy Director, Vice President, and finally President. Over the years, he has been integral in the creation and development of FPRI’s most cherished programs, including the Marvin Wachman Center for Civic and International Literacy, the Butcher History Institute for Teachers, the FPRI Annual Dinner, and many of FPRI’s celebrated publication series.
FPRI Trustee Murray Levin has been named to lead the Search Committee. He will be joined on the Committee by the following trustees: Devon Cross, Vice Chair of the Board; James M. Papada III, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee; Ronald J. Naples, Chair of the Compensation Committee; John R. Haines, Executive Director of the Princeton Committee of FPRI; Ambassador Adrian Basora, co-chair of the Eurasia Program; and Chairman Robert L. Freedman.
In announcing his retirement at today’s special board meeting, Luxenberg thanked profusely the members of the board, the staff, and the scholars “without whose talents and devotion nothing significant would ever have been accomplished.”