Foreign Policy Research Institute A Nation Must Think Before it Acts FPRI Welcomes Mohamed Amersi to its Board of Trustees 
FPRI Welcomes Mohamed Amersi to its Board of Trustees 

FPRI Welcomes Mohamed Amersi to its Board of Trustees 

  • June 29, 2023

FPRI Welcomes Mohamed Amersi to its Board of Trustees 

  • June 29, 2023

The Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) is pleased to announce Mohamed Amersi as the newest member of the Board of Trustees. 

“We are very excited to have Mr. Amersi joining our Board of Trustees.  He brings exceptional experience in a variety of fields that will be of great benefit to FPRI, including his support and involvement in constructive dialog around some of today’s most vexing geopolitical challenges,” commented CarolRollie” Flynn, President of FPRI.

“Mr. Amersi’s election adds important new perspectives and experiences to our board,” said Robert L. Freedman, Chairman of the FPRI Board of Trustees. 

Mohamed Amersi is the Chairman of the Amersi Foundation, which supports initiatives in education, building cohesive societies, inclusive capitalism, governance, and the futures agenda. The Foundation has also launched the Inclusive Ventures Group, a responsible profits, social impact investing platform that has invested in education, livelihood, health, and waste management in Africa and Asia. 

Mohamed Amersi is a Fellow of Brasenose College, University of Oxford, member of the Boards of COJIT, the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council, Eisenhower Fellowships, and is also Chairman of the Conservative Friends of the Middle East & North Africa, and the Islamic Reporting Initiative. For his transformational work in disseminating knowledge and showing inspirational leadership, especially in entrepreneurship and innovation, Mohamed Amersi was awarded a prize by Dubai’s Mohamed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation. 

Mohamed Amersi is also extensively engaged in bringing peace, prosperity and unity to the MENA region through diplomacy and dialogue by advising key stakeholders on foreign policy issues, conflict resolution, inclusion, and tolerance. He has authored and commented on several articles on key current geopolitical issues involving the MENA region. 

Historically, Mohamed Amersi has served on the boards of Royal charities, academia, think tanks, and business enterprises, public and private.