Foreign Policy Research Institute A Nation Must Think Before it Acts Transatlantic Steering Group

Transatlantic Steering Group

The Transatlantic Steering Group (TSG), a key part of FPRI’s Project on Democratic Transitions, is composed of European and American non-government leaders, scholars and former policy officials experienced in post-authoritarian reform. The TSG bridges the stubborn and unhelpful divides that have slowed the integration of information now available on post-communist transitions and its translation into practical action. The TSG is chaired by Ambassador Adrian A. Basora and is assisted by a research staff based at the Foreign Policy Research Institute and supplemented by a diverse circle of experts from relevant disciplines. The Transatlantic Steering Group launched the Project in a mid-January 2006 conference that yielded significant consensus among practitioners and scholars on the key factors that have led to successful CEE transitions and on their potential transferability.

Transatlantic Steering Group for Project on Democratic Transitions


Adrian A. Basora Director, Project on Democratic Transitions, FPRI; former NSC Director for Europe; former U.S. Ambassador to Czechoslovakia and to Czech Republic



Ivan Krastev Chairman, Center for Liberal Strategies, Sophia

Czech Republic

Alexandr Vondra Chairman, Program of Atlantic Security Studies, Prague
Former advisor to President Havel and former Ambassador to USA
Jiri Zlatuska Senator in the Czech Parliament; former Rector, Masaryk University, Brno 1998-2004; currently Dean, Informatics Faculty


Vladimer Papava Senior Fellow, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies; Member of Parliament; former Minister of Economy


Bela Greskovits Professor of Political Economy, Central European University, Budapest


Aleksander Smolar Chairman, Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw; former senior advisor to Mazowiecki government


Alina Mungiu-Pippidi NED Democracy Fellow; Chair, Romanian Academic Society;
Professor of Comparative Transformations, National School of Government, Bucharest
Gabriel Petrescu President, Open Society Foundation, Bucharest


Martin Butora Chairman, Institute for Public Affairs, Bratislava
Leader of Public Against Violence leaders during Velvet Revolution; recent Slovak Ambassador to the U.S.
Pavol Demes Former Foreign Minister and NGO leader; currently German Marshall Fund representative for Central Europe, Bratislava

Other European and Eurasian Countries

Identification and recruitment of appropriate Steering Group members from Ukraine, Serbia and other former Soviet or Yugoslav states — as well as from Germany — is currently in process.

Western Europe

Katerina Mathernova Director for Regional Affairs at the EU Commission, Brussels
Former World Bank executive and adviser to Slovak Prime Minister
Jacques Rupnik Professor, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, with special focus on post-communist transitions
Jonathan Brownell Retired lawyer; former environmental studies professor and activist; former faculty in Cambridge University CEE Program; residing in United Kingdom


Alene Gelbard Project Director, Public Health Institute; former Director of International Programs, Population Reference Bureau
Allen Model Managing Director, Overseas Strategic Consulting
Avis Bohlen Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University; Former U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria
Charles Gati Senior Adjunct Professor in European Studies, SAIS; former Senior Adviser, State Department Policy Planning Staff
Harry G. Barnes, Jr. Senior Advisor, Asia Society; former U.S. Ambassador to Romania, India and Chile
Harvey Sicherman President, Foreign Policy Research Institute; formerly of State Dept. Policy Planning Staff; speechwriter for Secretary of State
James Kurth Professor of Political Science, Swarthmore College; Editor, Orbis, and Co-Director of FPRI Project on America and the West
Kenneth Yalowitz Director, Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth; former Ambassador to Belarus and to Georgia
Robert Hutchings Director, U.S. National Intelligence Council, 2003-2005; Lecturer in Public Policy, Princeton University; former Coordinator for U.S. Assistance to Central and Eastern Europe
Sharon Wolchik Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, GWU; Director, Master of International Policy and Practice Program
Simon Serfaty Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Geostrategy, CSIS; Senior Professor of U.S. Foreign Policy, Old Dominion University
Tom Simons Director, Program on Eurasia in Transition, Harvard University; former U.S. Ambassador to Poland and Pakistan
Trudy Rubin Senior International Editorialist, Philadelphia Inquirer
Valerie Bunce Syndicated Columnist on International Affairs
Chair of Government Department, Cornell University
Vladimir Tismaneanu Director, Center for the Study of Post-Communist Societies, University of Maryland

(As of 18 May 2006)