A nation must think before it acts.
National Social Studies Standards
I. Culture Social studies
Programs should include experiences that provide for the study of culture and cultural diversity, so that the learner can
a. explore and describe similarities and differences in the ways groups, societies, and cultures address similar human needs and concerns;
II. Time, Continuity, & Change
Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of the ways human beings
f. use knowledge of facts and concepts drawn from history, along with elements of historical inquiry
Students will analyze the role of cultural and historic events in Korea and their role on the modern state of Korea.
Korean History and it’s impact on the Modern Korea
1. Power Point notes
2. Discussion
3. Quiz
Power point can be done by discussion or fill in the blank notes
1. Video on Sejong the Great With Essay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsKMLqaF_E0
What were some the reasons why Sajong was considered a great king? Do you agree that he should have the title “ the Great “ why or why not?
2. East Sea / Sea of Japan dispute
a. Youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XP_05gxM8QA
b. Washington Post Article https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2014/02/21/korean-americans-push-to-rename-sea-of-japan-in-state-legislatures/
1. Videos – Korean Tourism great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwQ2MsFCGNM
2. The Three Kingdoms https://www.koreaaward.com/kor/110
3. King Sejong the Great https://chosonkorea.org/index.php/people/kings/king-sejong-the-great
4. Lives of Migration : Korea in Diaspora Resource Packet
2015 Nam Center for Korean Studies , University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, MI
5. Historic Korea Today Resource Packet
2015 Nam Center for Korean Studies, Univesity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
6. The Joseon Dynasty https://www.britannica.com/topic/Choson-dynasty
If you have any questions about this lesson plan, or if you wish to contact the author, please email us at history@fpri.org