A nation must think before it acts.
March 11, 2022 | 11:00 am to 12:00 pm | China Center
The United States and China are parties to the world’s most important bilateral relationship. During the last several years, U.S.-PRC relations have become much more fraught, reaching in some respects the lowest point since the establishment of formal ties more than forty years ago. From China’s perspective, the U.S. is trying to limit China’s rise and is taking unprovoked measures against China’s interests. To the U.S., a tougher line is warranted by China’s assertive actions abroad and the challenges China poses to a rules-based international order. Are the two great powers headed for an intractably adversarial relationship? What can be done to manage the many global, regional, and bilateral issues that will affect both countries and the world?
FPRI is happy to provide this event free of charge thanks to the generous support of our members, partners, and event attendees. If you are not currently a member, the suggested donation is $25.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our events coordinator, Kayla Wendt at kwendt@fpri.org.