FPRI Insights Issue 1

FPRI Insights Issue 1

FPRI Insights

Recent Publications by FPRI

Andrew SpathJordan: Between Stability and Spillover
Andrew Spath

As ISIS expands in number and territory, and ambitiously declares the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate, anxiety is growing among leaders and citizens in neighboring Jordan. The key U.S. ally is precariously situated on the frontline of ISIS’s violent campaign.


Geopoliticus: The FPRI Blog
Adian Basora and Aleksandr FisherUkraine Crisis Timeline: Talk of Peace, Acts of War
Adrian A. Basora and Aleksandr Fisher

Despite the most recent round of significant sanctions, we can expect several more rounds of peaceful statements and gestures from Moscow, followed each time by further de facto escalation in support of the Russian-led separatists in eastern Ukraine.


Geopoliticus: The FPRI Blog
Maia OtarashviliHunger for Power in Hungary? The Alarming Nature of Viktor Orban’s New “Manifesto”
Maia Otarashvili

The recent rise of authoritarianism in Eurasia and elsewhere seems to be encouraging further destabilization of other fragile democracies. This time Hungary’s brash Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke to local students and made a series of bold statements about his vision of a new Hungarian that is a “work-based society that will abandon liberal democracy.”

John Haines“Dirty Bombs:” Reason to Worry?

John Haines

The recent report that ISIS seized a quantity of previously unreported material from a university laboratory in Iraq sparked much commentary about the possibility of a malefactor fashioning and detonating a so-called “dirty bomb.”

Lawrence HusickFreedom of the Skies:  A Toothless Distant Relative of Freedom of the Seas
Lawrence Husick

Freedom of the Seas is one of the central principles of American foreign policy. In what should be a parallel concept, Freedom of the Skies, the international community has adopted a more complex and primarily commercial framework that lacks both clarity and any means of enforcement.


Audio/Video from Recent Events

Geopolitics with Granieri
David Danelo
The Border Crisis (Audio)

David Danelo
August 5, 2014


Geopolitics with Granieri
Sumit Ganguly
India’s New Era: Problems and Prospects (Audio)

Sumit Ganguly
July 15, 2014


Stanley and Arlene Ginsburg Lecture Series
Juan Zarate
Treasury’s War: The Unleashing of a New Era of Financial Warfare (Audio)

Juan Zarate
June 17, 2014


Special Event
Mary Habek and Clint Watts
Battling al Qaeda: Is the United States Winning? (Video)

Clint Watts, Mary Habeck, and Katherine Zimmerman
June 5, 2014
Co-Sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute


Symposium and Webcast
Southeast Aisia globe
US Security Commitments in Asia’s Changing Strategic Environment: A Look at Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and the Philippines (Audio)

Felix Chang, Gilbert Rozman, and Jacques deLisle
June 4, 2014



FPRI Scholars in the News

August 11, 2014
Dom TierneyMSNBC’s Morning Joe — Concern Maliki Could Cause Political Violence

FPRI’s Dominic Tierney comments on Iraqi PM Nouri Al-Maliki’ new speech in which he resists calls for him to step down over his handling of the country’s current crisis, and criticizes Iraq’s current president.


August 6, 2014
Michael Noonan 6ABC6ABC — US Launches First Airstrikes in Iraq

FPRI’s Mike Noonan appeared on ABC TV Philadelphia to discuss the latest developments, warning of the prospect of a real genocide — there being only some 200,000 to 500,000 Yazidis in the world and all are targeted by the Islamic State.


July 28, 2014
David Satter American InterestThe American Interest — Russia Needs to Learn the Value of Human Life

FPRI’s David Satter on the defining trait of the Putin regime.



June 16, 2014
Barak Mendelsohn BBC World ServiceBBC World Service — ISIS Delivers What al Qaeda Promises

FPRI’s Barak Mendelsohn commenting on the flow of ISIS fighters into Iraq.