
In line with FPRI’s approach of understanding global affairs from the perspective of geography, culture, and history, the Eurasia Program analyzes trends such as:

  • The interrelationship between the ongoing struggle between democracy and autocracy, on the one hand, and the geopolitics and economics of the region on the other
  • Economic developments, financial shifts, trade patterns, and energy development and distribution initiatives
  • Long-term trends such as changes in patterns of religious beliefs, migration, health, and education
  • Post-Soviet integration initiatives, including the Eurasian Economic Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
  • Irredentism, separatism, revanchism, and militant nationalism 
  • Insurgencies and military conflicts

The main geographic focus of the Eurasia Program is the broad “Eurasian Heartland” of Halford Mackinder, a landmass that occupies the space between Central Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia.